November 23, 2010

Busy-Busy & Blogger Girls Night Out

It is such a busy time of year right now, and I have so much to blog about that I don't even know where to begin! I have Manny's 6 month post finished but need to add in pictures, so I will try to do that tomorrow. I also had an amazing weekend celebrating my 30th birthday - yikes! It was so fun though so I'll be working on a post on that. In addition, we've been doing a little "sleep training" with Manny and it is coming along wonderfully. I also have a few craft projects I've been working on that I'd love to share. So yeah, I have lots to blog about, but just no time to do it.

As I mentioned in this post, our house is in our local Parade of Homes this year. The newspaper came today to take some pictures to advertise it, so I've been working hard to get everything done since I knew they'd be coming sometime before Thanksgiving. It's a relief to have that done and so I'll be able to relax for the holidays!
Yesterday the timing worked out perfectly for me to meet up with a group of blog friends for dinner and a movie. We went to a great burger place then went and saw Morning Glory - SO cute!! We laughed so much and it was such a blast. I can't say enough how much I appreciate the friendships that blogging has given me!
Oh, and I'../../2010/11/christmas-countdown-printable.html">here. Just to clarify, you just download the file, then print it out, and put it in a picture frame. Then, you use a dry-erase marker to write on the actual glass the number of days left until Christmas. I hope that makes sense - sorry for any confusion!


  1. aawwwww FUN! Look at you! I had no idea you were friends with Ashley and Kelly in real life--so neat. I've read Ashley's blog for a long time, and everyone know's Kelly's. Very cool!

  2. Aw looks like you had a great time with them! I am so jealous that I don't live anywhere near sweet blog friends like y'all! I can't wait to see pictures of your house all decorated for Christmas. I know it will be stunning...and while you're at it, post a few pics of that sweet baby of yours :)

    Happy {almost} Thanksgiving, dear!

  3. Girls Night Out sounded like a blast.....I'm so jealous!!!!! Hope I get to see you and that handsome little boy next week!

  4. Girls night out looks like so much fun! I have to agree with Missy, I am very jealous! I am very much so in love with that picture frame too. How adorable!

  5. I am so jealous you are doing the parade of homes! I have always wanted to do that and came really close one time, but it was scrapped due to lack of participation last minute. Although, looks like your home is way bigger and prettier than mine, one day I hope to have a home on some kind of christmas home tour! Please post some pics when it's all said and done!

  6. So great to hear sleep training & wonderfully used in the same sentence ;)

  7. Hey girlie, I'm looking to get plugged in with some local bloggers! I just moved to Oklahoma from Orange County and the blogging community doesn't seem to be as big here and I'm not sure where to find the local bloggers!! Help!


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